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Why should you use The Amazing Race?

If you found yourself at this website (or at my presentation), you  probably fall into groups:  this is a super cool idea or how is this supposed to work.  Before I jump into all the details, I want to just lay out a few reasons that I decided to start using The Amazing Race in my classes.


  • It increases student engagement.  Students (and adults) love games.

  • It's interactive and allows students to form their own learning groups and cooperate to achieve a goal.

  • It reaches kinesthetic learners and gets students out of their desks and even out of the classroom.

  • It takes language learning into the school and into other classrooms.  It can be great publicity for learning a language.

  • It requires that students use the language skills that they have been learning with some degree of independence.  Their teacher isn't standing right over their shoulders.

  • It is flexible and can fit all three modes of conversation and incorporate all the five Cs of ACTFL.


Convinced yet?  Let's get started!



Also, a huge thanks to my Biology teacher sister who introduced this idea to me in the first place!

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